Bread factory jobs in Portugal: The portuguese brand “Pão de Rio Maior” is hiring workers

Bread factory jobs in Portugal

The Costa & Ferreira Bakery currently has bread factory jobs in Portugal available, they are responsible for the famous Rio Maior Bread, which was the first certified product in the Portuguese baking sector. Established in Rio Maior in 1990, it has been dedicated to the production of traditional/artisanal bread.

The dough is cut by hand and baked in brick ovens, imparting a unique flavor and texture with 100% natural products, free from dyes and preservatives.
Today, Costa & Ferreira Bakery has been recognized as a PME Excellence for over a decade.

With over 200 employees, a manufacturing complex spanning 85,000 square meters, and the ability to reinvent itself daily, the bakery keeps pace with the market and new trends, meeting the expectations of increasingly discerning consumers.

The Brand “Pão de Rio Maior” is becoming increasingly prestigious in Portugal, and the future involves taking the brand and Portuguese bread to international markets, they usually have many available bread factory jobs in Portugal.

Bread factory jobs in Portugal: The portuguese brand “Pão de Rio Maior” is hiring

Usually the bread factories in Portugal have a variety of roles across different departments. The most common positions are:


  • Operador de Produção (Production Operator): This is a core role, responsible for operating machinery used in bread making. Tasks involve mixing ingredients, operating ovens, and shaping dough.
  • Forneiro (Baker): This skilled position requires experience handling dough and operating ovens to ensure consistent baking quality.

Packing & Warehouse:

  • Embalador (Packer): This role involves packaging loaves of bread according to specifications, ensuring freshness and proper labeling.
  • Arrumador (Warehouse Worker): This job focuses on keeping the warehouse organized, receiving and storing ingredients and finished products.

Hygiene & Sanitation:

  • Higienizador (Sanitation Worker): Maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is crucial. This role involves cleaning equipment, surfaces, and following sanitation protocols.

Other Departments:

  • Manutenção (Maintenance): Keeping factory equipment operational is essential. This role might involve repairs, preventative maintenance, and ensuring machinery runs smoothly.
  • Logística (Logistics): Bread needs to reach stores and customers. This department might oversee distribution, transportation, and ensuring deliveries are met.

Additional Considerations about bread factory jobs in Portugal:

  • Some positions may require specific training or certifications, particularly for operating machinery.
  • Factory work often involves shift work, including nights and weekends.
  • The physical demands can vary, but some roles require lifting, standing for long periods, and working in a fast-paced environment.

For more information about these bread factory jobs in Portugal or to submit an application using the application form, you can also check the application page.

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